Home » What do you do if you have unprotected sex?
What do you do if you have unprotected sex?
Home » What do you do if you have unprotected sex?
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Okay girls and guys let’s be honest… unprotected sex happens. If you have had unprotected sex or the condom has failed you, don’t panic or bury your head in the sand (easier said than done, we know!) There are services you can contact for help and advice, several of which can be found at Superdrug.
Why is it risky to get frisky without contraception?
Oh, baby
So, you’ve done the deed with no protection, but it's not too late to protect yourself from unintended pregnancy. Emergency contraception is available and can be taken up to 5 days after unprotected sex. However, it is strongly recommended you take it as soon as possible - hence the name ‘morning after pill’. Emergency contraception is available from selected pharmacies, your local GUM clinic and also online via the Superdrug online doctor.
Remember, the morning after pill does not protect against STI’s, it’s purely to prevent pregnancy.
Alternatively, you can have the contraceptive copper coil fitted by your doctor up to 5 days after unprotected sex or up to 5 days after you last ovulated, which can then be kept in to keep you safe from pregnancy for up to 10 years.
When you have unprotected sex, it is not just unintended pregnancy you need to think about. The number of diagnosed cases of STI’s in the UK is on the rise, so to avoid becoming a statistic remember to always use a condom when between the sheets.
You should arrange to get tested if:
You haven’t got any symptoms, but you have had unprotected sex
You have symptoms such as itching, discharge, redness or sores down there
You have had unprotected sex and you have a feeling something is wrong
You can visit your local GUM clinic for testing or order visit the Superdrug Online Doctor where you can order an STI home test kit and/ or BioSURE HIV self-test kit.
Be prepared for safe sex
Safe sex doesn’t have to be a mood killer, it is after all better to be safe than sorry! Simply be prepared and remember:
To always carry condoms or have them within reach of your bed for when you need them
Talk to your partner about the risks of STI’s or any concerns you have. Clearing the air will lead to more comfortable and enjoyable sex for you both
The contraceptive pill and other forms of birth control will protect you against unwanted pregnancies, but remember, they do not protect you from STI’s
You can’t tell simply by looking at someone if they have an STI – go for regular check-ups if you are sexually active
The contraceptive pill and other forms of birth control will protect you against unwanted pregnancies, but remember, that do not protect you from STI’s
You can’t tell simply by looking at someone if they have an STI – go for regular check-ups if you are sexually active
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Home » What do you do if you have unprotected sex?
What do you do if you have unprotected sex?
Home » What do you do if you have unprotected sex?
Okay girls and guys let’s be honest… unprotected sex happens. If you have had unprotected sex or the condom has failed you, don’t panic or bury your head in the sand (easier said than done, we know!) There are services you can contact for help and advice, several of which can be found at Superdrug.
Why is it risky to get frisky without contraception?
Oh, baby
So, you’ve done the deed with no protection, but it's not too late to protect yourself from unintended pregnancy. Emergency contraception is available and can be taken up to 5 days after unprotected sex. However, it is strongly recommended you take it as soon as possible - hence the name ‘morning after pill’. Emergency contraception is available from selected pharmacies, your local GUM clinic and also online via the Superdrug online doctor.
Remember, the morning after pill does not protect against STI’s, it’s purely to prevent pregnancy.
Alternatively, you can have the contraceptive copper coil fitted by your doctor up to 5 days after unprotected sex or up to 5 days after you last ovulated, which can then be kept in to keep you safe from pregnancy for up to 10 years.
When you have unprotected sex, it is not just unintended pregnancy you need to think about. The number of diagnosed cases of STI’s in the UK is on the rise, so to avoid becoming a statistic remember to always use a condom when between the sheets.
You should arrange to get tested if:
You can visit your local GUM clinic for testing or order visit the Superdrug Online Doctor where you can order an STI home test kit and/ or BioSURE HIV self-test kit.
Be prepared for safe sex
Safe sex doesn’t have to be a mood killer, it is after all better to be safe than sorry! Simply be prepared and remember:
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