If things are getting a little stale between the sheets, it may be time to shake up your bedroom habits with a few tips from our sexpert Alix Fox. We all hit walls when it comes to sex, but there are five things you can do to make sure each and every time is uh-mazing! And before you worry that you need to make drastic changes to turn into the sexiest thing ever overnight, think again. These pointers are a lot easier to put in motion than you might think. So, sit down, get comfy and take some notes – because these tips are guaranteed to get you and your partner geared up for better times in the bedroom.
1. Communication
Coming straight in at number one is the old classic – communication. Nothing will add more fire to your freaky time than a good, honest convo about your tastes, fantasies and any challenges you might be facing. Otherwise, how is either of you going to know what the other one wants?! Use Alix’s Care-Air-Share method to chat through anything you might be a little nervous about.
CARE: Let your partner know you care about them. Assure them that you’re 100% into them, you trust them and you’re enthusiastic to move your sex life forward. This will let them know that anything you say next is coming from a place of love.
AIR: Get it off your chest. Let them know what’s on your mind and what you’d like to see in the future.
SHARE: Open up the convo. Ask them what they think about what you’ve said and for their opinion. This stops it being one-sided and gives you both the opportunity to speak.
2. Make time for sex
Scheduling sex might not sound like the most romantic thing, but think about it. If you and your partner set a specific time and place, you’ll both look forward to it and build up the sexual tension by flirting with each other. This can lead to more exciting sexual experiences and amp up the fun.
3. Work yourself out
If you don’t know what you like, your partner is going to be fumbling around in the dark for a long time trying to work it out for you. Take some you-time to be, what Alix calls, your own ‘best-body buddy’ and really get to know yourself. Learn what floats your boat and what doesn’t – what touches work where? And what’s best left out of the mix?
4. Experiment
Although you should never do anything you’re uncomfortable with, experimenting can really spice up your sex life and make things a lot more interesting. Find that sweet spot where you’re comfortable being uncomfortable and let your guard down a bit. Keeping an open mind about sex will open you both up to new experiences.
5. Get silly sometimes
Last but not least is to shake off all the seriousness and be a bit silly sometimes. Things can get a bit blah in the bedroom when you’re occupied with perfection or performance standards. Try not to get caught up with all the expectations and just enjoy it. Have a giggle with your partner and be a bit silly – you’ll find that sex is waaaaaay better when you’re relaxed and being yourself.
Home » 5 ways to have amazing sex
5 ways to have amazing sex
Home » 5 ways to have amazing sex
If things are getting a little stale between the sheets, it may be time to shake up your bedroom habits with a few tips from our sexpert Alix Fox. We all hit walls when it comes to sex, but there are five things you can do to make sure each and every time is uh-mazing! And before you worry that you need to make drastic changes to turn into the sexiest thing ever overnight, think again. These pointers are a lot easier to put in motion than you might think. So, sit down, get comfy and take some notes – because these tips are guaranteed to get you and your partner geared up for better times in the bedroom.
1. Communication
Coming straight in at number one is the old classic – communication. Nothing will add more fire to your freaky time than a good, honest convo about your tastes, fantasies and any challenges you might be facing. Otherwise, how is either of you going to know what the other one wants?! Use Alix’s Care-Air-Share method to chat through anything you might be a little nervous about.
2. Make time for sex
Scheduling sex might not sound like the most romantic thing, but think about it. If you and your partner set a specific time and place, you’ll both look forward to it and build up the sexual tension by flirting with each other. This can lead to more exciting sexual experiences and amp up the fun.
3. Work yourself out
If you don’t know what you like, your partner is going to be fumbling around in the dark for a long time trying to work it out for you. Take some you-time to be, what Alix calls, your own ‘best-body buddy’ and really get to know yourself. Learn what floats your boat and what doesn’t – what touches work where? And what’s best left out of the mix?
4. Experiment
Although you should never do anything you’re uncomfortable with, experimenting can really spice up your sex life and make things a lot more interesting. Find that sweet spot where you’re comfortable being uncomfortable and let your guard down a bit. Keeping an open mind about sex will open you both up to new experiences.
5. Get silly sometimes
Last but not least is to shake off all the seriousness and be a bit silly sometimes. Things can get a bit blah in the bedroom when you’re occupied with perfection or performance standards. Try not to get caught up with all the expectations and just enjoy it. Have a giggle with your partner and be a bit silly – you’ll find that sex is waaaaaay better when you’re relaxed and being yourself.
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