Cow & Gate Foods is here to support you and your baby on your weaning, from first spoons to sharing family meals
Weaning is another exciting milestone for you and your baby. The Department of Health recommend weaning at around 6 months. Every baby is different, so you will be able to tell your baby is ready to move on to solids when you observe the following signs:
– Your baby is able to swallow food – getting more in, than around, their mouth
– Your baby is sitting up and holding their head steady
– Your baby is directing objects towards their mouth and putting them in their mouth
“Breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of life. Please speak with a healthcare professional before introducing solid foods.”
5 Steps to Weaning
We know that weaning can be a confusing and overwhelming time for parents. As experts in weaning, Cow & Gate Foods have created a 5 Step Weaning Plan with simple, practical advice to help you and your little one as you embark on the weaning journey. We are passionately committed to producing quality food for your baby. That’s why our yummy baby food is full of responsible grown ingredients, tailored in texture and taste for your little one.
Our guide helps to ensure that your baby’s first tastes in food are varied and delicious and to encourage positive eating habits from their first spoon onwards.
1. Start with single vegetables and add thickness & texture
To encourage your little one to become a veg lover, help shape their taste preferences by giving them veggies early on in the weaning journey. Research has shown that by offering single veg for the first two weeks of weaning, you can help increase their vegetable acceptance later on. But all babies are different, so allow them to progress at their own pace.
The introduction of texture is also an important part of weaning. While single veg purees are a great way to start the introduction of veggies tastes, baby rice can be a nice way to introduce your little one to their first thicker textures! Unlike adult rice which must be cooked, baby rice is a fine milled grain that can be prepared with your baby’s usual milk for a familiar taste and exciting texture.
2. Mix it up with new fruit and vegetables flavours
Introduce a range of veg and fruit flavours now and they’ll be more likely to be adventurous eaters later on.
As well as new tastes, it’s time to vary the textures. At 6 to 7 months, you can start to offer your little one thicker purees and very soft lumps. You can also try different types of soft finger food.
Remember: it can take 8 to 10 tries before your little one will accept a new food – keep trying!
3. Keep going with veggies and introduce meat, fish, other proteins, dairy and carbohydrates
Have fun with yummy new combinations and exciting new ingredients.
Now you can start to be adventurous, adding new food groups to make sure your little one is getting a balanced diet.
4. Introduce mealtimes, starting with brekkie
Breakfast is a great time to try new things, because your little one is raring to go in the morning.
Creamy baby porridge with small, soft lumps makes a good first breakfast. You can add different fruits or a touch of cinnamon (but avoid adding sugar and honey!) for a yummy twist.
5. Get your little one into a routine by establishing three meals a day
You’re nearly there! Soon you’ll be enjoying healthy, happy mealtimes as a family.
With your little one almost ready to join the family for three meals a day (albeit a little smaller and mushier), it’s time for them to try some new textures. Between 6 and 8 months, it’s important that you gradually start to progress the texture to a thicker, mashed consistency and soft lumps, so that your little one continues to develop new feeding skills. At this stage, try mashing food where possible, rather than pureeing, to get your baby used to lumpier consistencies.
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By completing these steps, your little one will have the opportunity to gain familiarity with increasingly textured meals and interesting food flavours, establishing good eating habits from their first spoon.
Are you and your little one finding weaning stressful? It’s common to feel a little anxious but help is at hand.
Home » Weaning Tips From Cow & Gate Foods
Weaning Tips From Cow & Gate Foods
Home » Weaning Tips From Cow & Gate Foods
Cow & Gate Foods is here to support you and your baby on your weaning, from first spoons to sharing family meals
Weaning is another exciting milestone for you and your baby. The Department of Health recommend weaning at around 6 months. Every baby is different, so you will be able to tell your baby is ready to move on to solids when you observe the following signs:
– Your baby is able to swallow food – getting more in, than around, their mouth
– Your baby is sitting up and holding their head steady
– Your baby is directing objects towards their mouth and putting them in their mouth
“Breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of life. Please speak with a healthcare professional before introducing solid foods.”
5 Steps to Weaning
We know that weaning can be a confusing and overwhelming time for parents. As experts in weaning, Cow & Gate Foods have created a 5 Step Weaning Plan with simple, practical advice to help you and your little one as you embark on the weaning journey. We are passionately committed to producing quality food for your baby. That’s why our yummy baby food is full of responsible grown ingredients, tailored in texture and taste for your little one.
Our guide helps to ensure that your baby’s first tastes in food are varied and delicious and to encourage positive eating habits from their first spoon onwards.
1. Start with single vegetables and add thickness & texture
To encourage your little one to become a veg lover, help shape their taste preferences by giving them veggies early on in the weaning journey. Research has shown that by offering single veg for the first two weeks of weaning, you can help increase their vegetable acceptance later on. But all babies are different, so allow them to progress at their own pace.
The introduction of texture is also an important part of weaning. While single veg purees are a great way to start the introduction of veggies tastes, baby rice can be a nice way to introduce your little one to their first thicker textures! Unlike adult rice which must be cooked, baby rice is a fine milled grain that can be prepared with your baby’s usual milk for a familiar taste and exciting texture.
2. Mix it up with new fruit and vegetables flavours
Introduce a range of veg and fruit flavours now and they’ll be more likely to be adventurous eaters later on.
As well as new tastes, it’s time to vary the textures. At 6 to 7 months, you can start to offer your little one thicker purees and very soft lumps. You can also try different types of soft finger food.
Remember: it can take 8 to 10 tries before your little one will accept a new food – keep trying!
3. Keep going with veggies and introduce meat, fish, other proteins, dairy and carbohydrates
Have fun with yummy new combinations and exciting new ingredients.
Now you can start to be adventurous, adding new food groups to make sure your little one is getting a balanced diet.
4. Introduce mealtimes, starting with brekkie
Breakfast is a great time to try new things, because your little one is raring to go in the morning.
Creamy baby porridge with small, soft lumps makes a good first breakfast. You can add different fruits or a touch of cinnamon (but avoid adding sugar and honey!) for a yummy twist.
5. Get your little one into a routine by establishing three meals a day
You’re nearly there! Soon you’ll be enjoying healthy, happy mealtimes as a family.
With your little one almost ready to join the family for three meals a day (albeit a little smaller and mushier), it’s time for them to try some new textures. Between 6 and 8 months, it’s important that you gradually start to progress the texture to a thicker, mashed consistency and soft lumps, so that your little one continues to develop new feeding skills. At this stage, try mashing food where possible, rather than pureeing, to get your baby used to lumpier consistencies.
By completing these steps, your little one will have the opportunity to gain familiarity with increasingly textured meals and interesting food flavours, establishing good eating habits from their first spoon.
Are you and your little one finding weaning stressful? It’s common to feel a little anxious but help is at hand.
Your Cow&Gate Foods team.
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